Tuesday, July 3, 2012


At 3:30 yesterday afternoon, we finally held Isabella in our arms for the first time! Along with two other couples adopting through our agency, we went to the local Civil Affairs Office and in an exciting, inspirational, chaotic and unforgettable scene, we entered a 3rd story room full of adoptive parents from other agencies waiting for their children. We were blessed with the opportunity to observe several other families receiving their children as part of their forever family and then heard the name "Hill" being called out. One of the prettiest, tiniest girls we have ever seen came into our room with the orphanage director and Mom had the fortune of holding her first. Isabella instantly melted all of our hearts as we took turns holding her. Her transition to us was very smooth and soon after she was comfortably in Ellen & Sophia's arms taking a nap. Isabella slept through the entire night for us and her personality is really coming out today with plenty of smiles and laughter. Sophia has been fantastic throughout the trip and is great with Isabella. It's as if they were always part of God's plan to be together. As you can see from her pictures, she is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!.

Mom getting ready to hold Isabella for the first time!
A very happy Mom & Dad moments after seeing Isabella in person for the first time

Daddy's little girl!

Seeing her big sissy for the first time

Happy and snug with Mommy & Sophia


  1. LOVE to see the pictures and read about how you first met Isabella! So glad she is with you now!

    1. Thanks Leah. She is doing great. Her personality continues to come out with each waking hour. Lots of smiles and laughter!!!

  2. So beautiful! The pictures brought tears to my eyes this morning! Have a safe trip home. Kim

  3. What a love story. Such a beautiful gift from God for all of you to finally be together. Wow! And, she is so gorgeous!
